Environment Related Vocabulary For IELTS 2022: Latest IELTS Exam Guide 您所在的位置:网站首页 vocabulary environment b1 pdf Environment Related Vocabulary For IELTS 2022: Latest IELTS Exam Guide

Environment Related Vocabulary For IELTS 2022: Latest IELTS Exam Guide

2023-11-28 05:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

A good vocabulary is the backbone of good English speaking. The IELTS Speaking section is the fourth part of the four-part IELTS test and focuses on judging your fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar in the English language. Themes enter the conversation during part 2 and part 3 of the IELTS speaking exam, during which you have to elaborate on a given theme.

Table of Contents

This blog will take you through the vocabulary you should learn and work on. The focal point of this blog will be vocabulary related to one of the most popular themes of IELTS Speaking, Environment. Read on to procure knowledge about the words, phrases and collocations related to the environment that can help you ace your IELTS Speaking exam. 

You can also learn vocabulary related to other popular themes, such as education, transport and many more, through the blogs on our website. 

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The environment is one of the most debated and discussed topics in today’s world. The environment is the surrounding we live in, and its degradation during recent years has created a topic of deep contemplation.

In the IELTS Speaking section, the environment is one of the most popular themes that can be your topic for tasks 2 and task 3. Thus, expanding vocabulary related to it can help you score high marks in your Speaking section. It is also a popular theme for the IELTS Writing and Reading tasks and will help you score better in these sections as well.

Important Words, Phrases & Collocations Related to the Environment

To handle the topic of environment for your speaking test, you need to have a knowledge of the environment-related vocabulary for IELTS. Here are some general terms you should know about that are used in any conversation about the environment:

Habitat Meaning – The natural environment where an organism lives. Collocations – Natural habitat, damage to habitat, loss of habitat, protection a habitat Usage – A wild animal prefers to live in its natural habitat rather than in a zoo Biodegradable Meaning – Matter that can be decomposed by organisms, thus preventing pollution  Collocations – Biodegradable waste, non-biodegradable waste Usage –  Biodegradable waste should be deposited underground to create compost. Biodiversity Meaning – The concentration and types of plants and animals within a specific area  Collocations – Preserve biodiversity, biodiversity loss Usage – Biodiversity needs to be preserved to promote a healthy environment Ecosystem Meaning – Living things such as plants and animals within an area that affects the functioning of the environment  Collocations – Protect the ecosystem, preserve the ecosystem, marine ecosystem Usage – The marine ecosystem has been deteriorating due to constant hunting and poaching. Important Words, Phrases & Collocations Related to Reasons for Environmental Problems

If the cue card has a topic related to the environment and asks for your views and opinions about its damage, your first step should be to provide logical reasoning using the correct environment-related vocabulary for IELTS. Explain environmental issues and what are the major causes related to environmental damage. 

Let us see a word list and the usage in a sentence that will help you frame your answer in the best way —

Pollution Meaning – Damage was done to the environment due to various activities  Collocations – Pollution of the environment/air/water/soil Usage – High levels of pollution due to rubbish and litter can disturb the ecosystem Deforestation Meaning – Cutting or uprooting of trees due to natural or human activities Collocations – Illegal deforestation, mass deforestation Usage – Mass deforestation affects the levels of oxygen in the air as well as leads to global warming and soil erosion. Global Warming Meaning – Heating up of the Earth’s atmosphere due to greenhouse gases Collocations – Combat global warming, increase in global warming, tackle global warming Usage – Global warming is one of the major reasons for climate change and ozone depletion. Extinct Meaning – End of a species’ existence  Collocations – Extinction of species, extinct animals, go extinct, virtually extinct  Usage – Many species have gone extinct due to climate change and poaching. Overpopulation Meaning – Population of a specific area above the safe limit  Collocations – Overpopulated country, increasing overpopulation Usage – Overpopulation in a country can lead to scarcity of natural resources. Acid rain Meaning – Precipitation of any form of rain that is acidic  Collocations – Acid rain formation, acid rainfall Usage – Increasing occurrence of acid rain is damaging flora and fauna around us, leading to contamination of water resources and damaging the air quality. Radiation Meaning – A type of energy emitted by nuclear reactions that is very harmful to health  Collocations – Cosmic radiation, nuclear radiation Usage – The radiation produced by nuclear reactors can leave a person with severe health issues. Greenhouse Effect Meaning – The trapping of heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere due to carbon emissions like carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and carbon monoxide emissions (CO) Collocations – Causes of the greenhouse effect Usage – The Earth is marred by the greenhouse effect, increasing its temperature and leading to natural disasters. Reducing your carbon footprint can help save the planet from this effect. Toxic Waste Meaning – Waste products produced from chemicals and industrial processes Collocations – Toxic waste disposal, toxic waste removal, toxic waste treatment Usage – The elimination of liquid, toxic waste is vital in preventing water pollution. Important Words & Collocations Related to Solutions for Environmental Issues

A good answer explains the problems and provides solutions. Once you are finished explaining the environmental issue, you should follow up with the solutions. Let us look at the topic’s vocabulary related to the solutions for environmental issues.

Sustainable Meaning – Activities that cause minimal or no damage to the environment and can be carried on for a long time  Collocations – Sustainable activities, sustainable energy, sustainable growth  Usage – To protect the world for future generations, we must follow sustainable practices. Conservation Meaning – Usage and saving of resources in a mindful manner  Collocations – Resource conservation, wildlife conservation Usage – Endangered species must be protected and conserved to ensure their survival. Afforestation Meaning – The process of planting trees  Usage – Afforestation is a vital practice that everyone should adopt to protect the environment. Renewable Energy Meaning – Energy that can be produced sustainably without using fossil fuels as energy resources   Collocations – Demand for renewable energy, renewable energy industry, renewable energy sources Usage – Renewable energy is the way to go if we want to preserve and protect the environment. Recycling Meaning – Usage of products repeatedly or cyclically to reduce waste  Collocations – Recycling of waste, plastic recycling Usage – Recyclable waste should be separated from household waste during disposal and collection. Conclusion

There are tons of words when it comes to environment-related vocabulary for IELTS. The few mentioned above will help you frame your answers around the major topics of discussion on the environment. A better understanding of the environment, its issues and solutions will also help with your preparation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are part 2 and part 3 of the IELTS Speaking test interrelated?

Yes, part 2 and part 3 of the test are interrelated. The third task is a continuation of the second task and delves deeper into the topic mentioned on the cue card.

What are some of the most popular themes one should prepare for before taking the IELTS Speaking exam?

The following topics are some of the most commonly occurring topics in the IELTS exam:


Apart from the ones mentioned in the blog, what other terms should I read and learn about to prepare my environment-related vocabulary?

The vocabulary mentioned above in the blog will help you understand the basics of environment-related vocabulary and is useful in most conversations about the environment. Other than that, there are tons of terms related to the environment. Some of the important ones are:

Animal sanctuaryBiohazardContaminationDroughtEnvironmentalismErosionExhaust fumesFlora and faunaLandfillsOil spillOrganic farmingSmog






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